WW2: Germany takes over Sudetenland. Poland bites off parts of Czechoslovakia
Sudeten Germans knock down the Czech border post separating it from Germany
Before 1938, Britain had already given way to Hitler on a number of occasions, but it was the events of the Sudeten crisis which showed appeasement in action – trying to buy off Hitler by giving way to his demands.
On 11 March 1938, Hitler invaded Austria. It was clear he wanted to do the same in the Sudetenland.
On 7 September 1938, the German Sudeten Party demanded union with Germany.
There were riots.
German newsreels showed ‘evidence’ of Czech ‘atrocities’ against the Sudeten Germans.
Hitler threatened to support the Sudeten Germans with military force.
Then Chamberlain intervened.
Chamberlain met Hitler at Berchtesgaden
Hitler promised him that this was the ‘last problem to be solved’.
Chamberlain decided Hitler was ‘a man who can be relied upon’.
He persuaded the Czechs to hand over the Sudetenland.
Chamberlain met Hitler at Bad Godesberg
Hitler made more demands.
At first Chamberlain refused, but then he decided that Czechoslovakia was not one of the ‘great issues’ which justified war, but just ‘a quarrel in a far-away country between people of whom we know nothing’.
Britain and France met Hitler again and made a Pact with him at Munich (29 September).
They gave the Sudetenland to Germany.
On 30 September, Chamberlain returned to England with his famous piece of paper. ‘I believe it is peace for our time’, he told the cheering crowd.
Czechoslovakia was not even invited to the talks. The Czechs were free to fight if they wished, but they had no support. They chose not to fight.
On 1 October 1938, Hitler marched unopposed into the Sudetenland. He said that it was the start of a 1000-year German Reich (empire).
http://www.johndclare.net/images/Roadto2.gif |
British cartoonist Low shows how Hitler became more powerful as Western leaders showed no spine
Chief of Wehrmacht general Brauchitsch salutes a parade by German tanks to celebrate the ceding of Czech Sudetenland into Germany. October 1938.
Sudeten Germans of the town of Ash (which was predominantly German) welcome German soldiers
Polish Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly and the German Attache, Colonel von Bogislava Studnitz greet each other at a parade of "Independence Day" in Warsaw on November 11, 1938. less than a year later Poland would cease to exist.
Polish troops occupy the Czech village Jörg during the operation of the annexation of the Czech area of Spisz.
Chamberlain essentially sacrificed Czechoslovakia on the altar of appeasement. In exchange for the Sudetenland, Hitler promised to guarantee the new Czech borders. Eduard Benes immediately resigned, and Czechoslovakia would not be guaranteed. Parts of the country were broken off by Poland and Hungary, and on March 15, 1939, German troops entered Prague. Czechoslovakia ceased to exist.
Polish tanks roll into the Czech town of Tesin
A Polish and German soldier exchange pleasantries on the bridge near Bohumin
German officers watch as Poland occupies the Czech town of Bohumin
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Points To Ponder
It is difficult to distinguish between the quality of both the German and Russian soldiers. Both were motivated by their love for their motherland. But there were others factors that drove the two sides to such desperate fighting.
One, both sides knew that this was a no-holds bar war. Not fighting was thus not an option.
Second, both Hitler and Stalin had squads that killed any deserter. Turning away from fighting was just not possible.
Thus was seen some of the most bitter, brutal and desperate fighting on the WW2 eastern (Russian) Front.
"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
-- George Santayana
"Be polite; write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness."
--Otto von Bismarck
"When the enemy advances, withdraw; when he stops, harass; when he tires, strike; when he retreats, pursue.'
--Mao Zedong
"The main thing is to make history, not to write it."
--Otto von Bismarck
"When you have to kill a man it costs nothing to be polite."
--Winston Churchill
"In time of war the loudest patriots are the greatest profiteers."
--August Bebel
"God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of those who shoot best."
Quotes about War....
"Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war."
---Otto von Bismarck
"Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
--Hermann Goering
"To conquer the enemy without resorting to war is the most desirable. The highest form of generalship is to conquer the enemy by strategy."
--Tzu Sun
"All men are brothers, like the seas throughout the world; So why do winds and waves clash so fiercely everywhere?"
--Emperor Hirohito